Understanding Individual Needs Across the Liver Cancer Patient Pathway.

There have been advances in the diagnosis, treatment and delivery of supportive care for cancer over the past decade. However, there is still work needed to improve the routes to diagnosis and to ensure that, once individuals have engaged with healthcare professionals appropriate evidence-based care is being delivered in the UK.

Group Aims

The purpose of the ICANEQUAL partnership is to build a Community of Expertise (a group of individuals who share interest in liver cancer (HCC)) and, through conversations with key stakeholders, to develop the understanding needed to reduce inequalities in HCC diagnosis and treatment. There is need to better understand individual needs for information, treatment and support at the appropriate point in their journey and health care professionals’ behaviour within HCC diagnosis and treatment.

The Community of Expertise online platform will allow contemporary evidence to be shared amongst key stakeholders, facilitate the development of a repository of this evidence and examples of best practice, stimulate discussion, and support action within this area.

Building a Community of Expertise

Bringing together Key Stakeholders in HCC

Key stakeholders including individuals impacted by HCC and those who support these individuals e.g. health and care providers, employers, third sector organisations, researchers and government officials, will be able to access and utilise this platform at any time. It is anticipated that by using the Community of Expertise online platform, stakeholders will be better equipped to contribute to addressing the key gaps in research and practice and to support those with impacted by HCC.

What Does Success Look Like?

Short-term success of the platform will be measured by assessing the number of individuals who join the community and utilise the Community of Expertise online platform. In-built evaluation will explore the effectiveness of the platform through user feedback. Medium- to long-term success will be measured through the establishment of programmes of work geared towards changing behaviours and impacting quality of life outcomes for individuals with cancer. We anticipate that the design and use of this platform will evolve over time (as per user requirements) in order to have maximum benefit to stakeholders working to address the challenges faced in providing screening and treatment advice and support to cancer patients.

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